Congratulations to Susan Murphy Winner of our September Prize

Congratulations to Susan Murphy Winner of our September Prize

cornstoresteak**COMPETITION TIME**

Its time to TREAT yourself now that the kids are gone back to school.

So we have teamed up with the very popular Cornstore Limerick, one Limericks award winning restaurants well known for their amazing chicken wings and tempting cocktails to bring you the ultimate pampering prize!

Win a Colour & Cut Makeover at the Hugh Campbell Hair Group for yourself and a dinner for two in  the Cornstore Limerick! Who wouldn’t love to win this prize…

All you have to do is LIKE BOTH our Facebook business pages (see links above),  SHARE the posts & TAG the friend you’d bring to dinner!

Good luck to all ! Really wish I could enter ! Winner will be announced and displayed on The Cornstore facebook page.