Thank you from Hugh Campbell Hair Group

‘If we winter this one out…Covid Update Jan 2021

Your Support has meant everything Thank You HCHG

Everything feels a little ‘stop and start’ these days. It’s hard, it’s frustrating but we’re almost there. The development and rollout of the Covid vaccine means that we are inching that bit closer to returning to some kind of normal. Until that happens we want you to know that we are really grateful – during this global pandemic, your ongoing support of local business has meant everything to us and so many other businesses here in Limerick. Whether you visited one of our salons during the brief easing of restrictions, purchase products from our on-line shop or are stock-piling vouchers to treat yourself once we can reopen safely, thank you.

Seamus Heaney’s beautiful lines have been quoted many times during this tough period – ‘If we winter this one out, we can summer anywhere’. While staycations may be the reality again this summer, we are already prepping for Spring/Summer tones, styles and looks. Once the national guidelines give us the green light to reopen, we will bring some of that much-needed summer glow your way.

See you on the other side,
Hugh & the team